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Insights and Innovations
Thermal and Acoustic Imaging Technology
Thermal imagers and die casting monitoring
Long-term operation in high-temperature, high-pressure, and high dust infiltration environments can cause the wear and tear of the...
Thermography in house pets health monitoring
Feline and canine patients in clinics most suffer from hard tissue problems that result from accidents or soft tissue problems that...
How far can you 'see' with a thermal imager
A frequently asked question here at FOTRIC is, “How far can this camera see?” We are here to answer it once and for all. There are quite...
Thermal imaging in radiator-based HVAC
As winter befalls the northern hemisphere, our reliance on radiator-based HVAC systems surges again. The hot-water circulation system...
An in-depth explanation about 'ambient temperature' and 'reflected temperature' parameters
Some questions we are frequently asked by our customers and distributors are: "What’s the difference between the ‘Ambient Temperature’...
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