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Electric Distribution System

The stability of power distribution systems plays a crucial role in both the electric utility industry and large-scale corporations. Equipped with handheld thermal cameras, maintenance engineers can safely and efficiently maintain their power distribution system in an organized and predictive manner.

Customer’s Challenge

The stability of power distribution systems plays a crucial role in both the electric utility industry and large-scale corporations. The unexpected malfunction of a power distribution system could bring an adverse impact on a large population’s life quality, as well as severe monetary loss to a major corporation.

Due to the massive size, convoluted structure, and dangerous nature of power cables and transformers, it’s practically impossible to perform a close inspection of every component and conjunction in the power distribution system.

The Solution

Fotric handheld thermal cameras with 25° standard lens, offer full-range inspection solutions for electric power distribution systems.

The FOTRIC 348A advance camera with 640x480 resolution is designed for 10KV electric systems maintenance; FOTRIC 326M with 384x288 resolution is suitable for overhead lines, and FOTRIC 322M with 160x120 resolution is widely accepted for transformer box or cabinets inspection.

Combined with Fotric AnalyzIR report software, these cameras can not only generate customized reports, but also provide sophisticated trend analysis and performance prediction.

The Result

Equipped with handheld thermal cameras, maintenance engineers can safely and efficiently maintain their power distribution system in an organized and predictive manner.

Therefore, our clients minimize unexpected downtime and accidents, which not only prevents a great deal of financial loss, but also steadily gains and bolsters their customers’ trust and loyalty over time.

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